Sunday, July 21, 2013

Trip to Monteverde and Selvatura Canopy and Critters!

We left Arenal on the "jeep boat jeep" which turned out to be a minibus taking us to boat to cross Lake Arenal and then getting again on another minibus.  However, the trip from the lake to Monteverde is a trip in itself because the roads are all rock and mud.  The bus dipped and rocked the whole way!  We made it without too many bumps to the head, and without anyone getting motion sickness. The views are incredible and I remembered that from my last visit to Monteverde. 

We got to our hotel after dark (6:30pm) and were whipped from traveling, so we took a short walk into town and had the worst dinner since we arrived in Costa Rica.  The food wasn´t the terrible part, but the service was so ATYPICAL of Costa Rica I was shocked.  The server talked on his phone as he delivered food, got our pizza wrong and gave me attitude when I told him to take it back when I know I didn´t ask for hamburger pizza, but asked for pepperoni pizza.  Really? Needless to say, we ate and got the heck out of there quickly.

We had signed up for our adventure of our trip to Monteverde and needed to be ready to go at 8 so we got to the room, and were asleep in minutes!

The next day we got up, had a hot water shower (believe me, this is a rarity since most places in Costa Rica do not have hot water - especially those in Puntarenas since it is so bloody hot you don´t actually really want or need a hot shower), breakfast and got on our way with the Selvatura transportation to go to the Cloud Forest for zip lining, walking the hanging bridges, viewing the amphibian and reptile displays, the hummingbird garden, the insect and butterfly display, and lunch.  Alot packed into our day, but it was so worth it!

Apryl LOVED the zip line even though on most of the lines she had to go with the guide.  The lines are so long that someone so small might get stuck in the middle and this would be a problem.  The views are incredibly breathtaking and it was awesome!  After the zipline came to an end we did the hummingbird garden.  I have never in my life seen so many hummingbirds!  They were zipping around and were so close that Apryl actually touched the tail of one.  Their colors are brilliant and the sound of their song and wings is hypnotizing!  Following our relaxing time in the garden we were treated to an amazing guide for the reptile - amphibian display and insect - butterfly garden.  And yes, we saw alot of snakes!  And Apryl again got to hold another baby boa!  I have a child with no fear I FEAR! 

The entire day was remarkable, but the most memorable I think will be the butterfly that was coming out of his-her cocoon.  I didn´t realize that they come out with a lot of liquid in their abdomen that once they leave the cocoon they release.  And guess where ended up squirting???? Right on Apryl!  And it wasn´t alittle but alot of "placenta" ----  YUCKY!

Please enjoy the photos!

 This is what they call a ¨Tarzan Jump.  She jumps off a platform and free falls!  She didn´t even emit a single squeak. I have a truly fearless child!

 This humming bird is my favorite!  They were so beautiful!

 Here the guide is showing where exactly his LUNCH is located in the belly of the boa now!

 Do a close up on this one and look how that Boa is looking at ME!  I don´t think it liked me, but it loved Apryl.  He curled right around her.  And yes, I know it was a boy and I know how to tell if it a boy or a girl...

 This is the butterfly that juiced on Apryl!

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