Friday, July 12, 2013

Return to Puntarenas, Costa Rica

It has been a few days since we arrived, and I so much to share but so little time!  We are having an amazing time reuniting with friends here.  Apryl is adjusting and learning Spanish quickly.

Apryl has made a friend of Gaby`s niece - Claudia and they have been nearly inseparable.  They can´t understand each other, but they are getting along famously!  The first night we went to a birthday party for Claudia´s best friend and the kids all took Apryl in and played games and hide and seek!  Apryl nearly cried when it was time to go because she was having so much fun!

We have been to the San Lucas Beach Club to swim all day, to the beach to play in the sand and waves, and all over the city to shop and site see.

The other night there was a terrible rain storm, turning the streets into rivers and bringing down some roofs and causing flooding in some homes.  We fared ok, but the rain and wind was so bad we were unable to get home to our cabina until late.  Thankfully, I was with friends for the storm and I wasn´t too nervous.  Apryl slept through the whole thing and didn´t even remember us going home in the taxi at 4 in the AM.

 Here is Apryl in the airport taxi
 Here she waits for the bus going to Puntarenas
 We are sitting outside the cabina making a jumprope to play with!

 Waiting for Gabby outside of Gabby´s house!
 At the birthday party she joined the kids!

 Playing hide and seek outside!
 First AM walk on the beach

 At the San Lucas Beach Club playing with friends. Always sunblock first - and don´t you know she still got a sunburn!

 Playing inside Gabby´s house on a skateboard!

 Doing make up with Claudia
 Dress up time!
Bus to Puntarenas

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